1 fish 2 fish


Empty streets stretch into the distance, with only silhouettes hinting at human presence as the viewer is taken to this mysterious journey. Aimlessly wandering, they encounter reminiscence of city life, where the space feels like an entity absorbing all within its reach.

In the emptiness, echoes of aging and loneliness linger, shadowing once vibrant streets. The photographs touch on the reality of growing old in urban anonymity, solitary figures embodying the human condition within these surroundings.

Among tall skyscrapers, isolated trees stand strong only to reveal attempts at replication of nature, highlighting the juxtaposition between the artificial and the authentic, and the inevitable longing for true connection to nature.

Through visual metaphors, "1 fish 2 fish" invites the viewer to reflect on the inherent solitude and loneliness of city living and the longing to reconnect with nature amidst the urban landscape.

This gallery is a preview of my new book titled “1 fish 2 fish“ coming later this year.


When the sun turns grey